Application configuration is performed with
a plain text file named "".
This file contains all the possible configuration options and it
must be placed in the same dir where the application is launched.
It is recommendable to read first the section
about Sourcefiles and Repositories before this reading.
all paths could be relative, begging with "./"
- ReportSourceDefinitionRepositoryPath:
ReportSourceDefinition repository path.
- ReportDefinitionRepositoryPath:
ReportDefinition repository path.
- ReportSourceRepositoryPath:
path where data sources are saved for
later use.
- ReportViewRepositoryPath:
path to report view repository, where
the views generated by users are saved.
- SourceReportDefinitionsPath:path
to ReportDefinitions XML files that would be registered for execution.
- SourceReportSourceDefinitionsPath:
path to ReportSourceDefinitions XML
files that would be registered for execution.
- SourceReportViewsPath: path
to ReportViews XML files that would be registered for execution
- ImagesPath: path to images
for the application
- LanguagesPath: path to look
for language files, depending on the locale configured
- UsersRepositoryPath: path
to users file. It contains registered user names and its passwords.
Every time a user logs in or a user is added this file will be
- UserDataRepositoryPath: path
to the user data file. When users are created, data like complete
name and company is also saved.
- RolsRepositoryPath: path
to rolls file where the relation rol - user is saved. Each roll
may have n users and each user may have n rolls
- MicroReportRepositoryPath:
Path to MicroReports (exported cubes
for offline working)
- SourceReportSchemasPath:
Path to XSD schemas, that define xmls
- ClientLogFile: Path to the
file where client traffic will be logged (session initialization
and report execution)
- JasperReportPath:
Path to the jasper reports jar (it can be relative)
- JasperCompilerClass: Gives
the class that will compile jasper. Some options are:
- IsDistributed: Boolean to
indicate if the execution will be standalone or a client-server
J2EE version (using application server and EJB).
- DistributedHost: if IsDistributed
is true this option specifies the server host. It can be name
or IP address.
- DistributedPort: if IsDistributed
is true this option specifies the port of the server.
to create the context. Depends on the Application Server used.
- java.naming.factory.url.pkgs: Class
for the package. Depends on the Application Server used.
- ReportManagerEJB_SFName: indicates
the name of the EJB in case StateFull is used
- ReportManagerEJB_SLName: indicates
the name of the EJB in case StateLess is used
- Country: used with language
to create the Locale
- Language: used to create
the Locale
If Locale=ES then class
LanguageTraslatorES will be used for translation.
any other language, class LanguageInternational will be used.
Example: Locale= Deutsch and LanguagesPath=.\repository\languages
There should be a text file “”
in the path of LanguagesPath that contains the translation entries
1=INFO - No se indicó la definición
The application will load a Map
in the class LanguageInternational with each entry of the file.
This entries should match the entries for Spanish or English examples.
"" is an example of how an English translation
is done.
NOTE: Not specified options should not be modified. In future
distributions will be used and explained.