Reports creation
To create a report, some XML files
must be created, that will be used as the definition of the report.
There are 3 layers of XMLs for
each report
The first layer it's oriented
to de definition of a data source, which is descript
in the ReportSourceDefinition
(RSD) xml file. The second layer is the definition of an user executable
report, specifying columns to show, positions, names, and other
report options inside the ReportDefinition
(RD). Finally, the third layer defines the presentation of the report,
describing more specific options as the column width, semaphores,
and other visualization options declared in the ReportView
The RSD defines the gathering
of data, which may come from more than a single source (multiple
data sources will be unified). The RD always has an associated RSD,
but many RD may share the same RSD. In other words, many reports
may be defined with the same data set.
Both RD and RSD are the minimal
requirements to generate an executable report, and it is possible
to create them with assistance, using the generation Wizard inside
de application. The RV will be generated every time an user adds
a new profile, and it will be saved inside the "reportviewrepository"
and it wont be necessary modify it manually.
Reports has parameters. Those
parameters could be specified in both the RSD and RD. Generally
speaking, the difference between both is that the ones defined in
RSD will be considered prefilters, and will be applied while data
are recolected. In other words the resulting data set wont contain
data that doesn't match this prefilters. In the other hand, the
ones corresponding to RD are considered postfilters and they will
be applied after data has been recolected, working for a single